
Pastoral Staff

  • Jason Hovis

    Lead Pastor

    Jason is originally from Ohio, but moved to Minnesota when he was young and has lived here for most of his life. After graduating from North Park Theological Seminary in 2008, he accepted the call to become the pastor of Youth and Children at Karmel Covenant Church and served in that capacity for 11 years. In 2019 Jason became the Lead Pastor here at Karmel. 

    Jason and Jackie married in 2001 and they have four growing children.  He enjoys staying active and can often be found on our Karmel ball-field or on one of the local pickleball courts beating Kohl in a game.

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  • Kohl Hanson

    Pastor of Youth

    Kohl was born and raised in Minnesota and has served in a variety of ministry roles since graduating from the University of Northwestern - St. Paul. After serving as a Student Ministries Intern at Linwood Covenant Church for a year, he spent two years as a Ministry Staff member at Lake Beauty Bible Camp before coming to Karmel Covenant Church in August of 2020.

    Kohl and Emily married in 2021 and are ejoying newlywed life. Kohl also relishes the opportunity to defeat Jason in pickleball.

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Other Staff/Leaders

Here are some of the other individuals who lead our church.

  • Cindy Stewart - Office Coordinator  |  office@karmelcov.org | 763-389-3169

  • Steve Haverinen | Chair

    Lee Olson | Vice-Chair

    Betsy Standlee | Secretary

    Dwight Tonn | Treasurer  |  treasurer@karmelcov.org

    Dave Standlee

    Cheryl Benson

    Jason Hovis

    Kohl Hanson

  • Ministry Team | Team Leader

    Christian Education Team | Jackie Hovis

    Diaconate Team | Steve Anderson

    Trustee Team | Tom Filzen